Dienstag, 8. April 2014

Off shoring

Offshoring vs. Outsourcing . Offshoring bezeichnet die geographische Verlagerung unternehmerischer Funktionen, wahrend Outsourcing die organisatorische Verlagerung. 1 Frequently used terms. 1.1 Production offshoring. 1.2 IT-enabled services offshoring. 1.3 Innovation offshoring. 1.4 Re-shoring. 2 Transfer of intellectual property. So, what is offshoring? Offshoring is a type of outsourcing. Offshoring simply means having the outsourced business functions done in another country.

Offshoring ist einer der Begriffe, die seit der immer weiter um sich greifenden Globalisierung in Mode gekommen sind. Die Bezeichnung Offshoring kommt aus dem. UBersetzung fur Offshoring im Englisch-Deutsch-Worterbuch dict.cc. Consulting Services on IT-Offshoring. Bitte wahlen Sie auf der linken Seite eine Funktion.

Offshore and outsource IT staffing specialist. Save money and time our simple, no-hassle solution to offshoring IT staff and business processes. Noun 1. the practice of moving employees or certain business activities to foreign countries as a way to lower costs, avoid taxes, etc.: the offshoring of software. Whenever critics of globalization complain about the loss of American jobs to low-cost countries such as China and India, supporters point to the powerful performance.

Offshoring - What is Offshoring? |

Niedrige Lohnkosten im Ausland, ein hohes Ausbildungsniveau und preisgunstige Telekommunikation begrunden einen eindeutigen Trend: IT-Offshoring spart 35 Prozent. OFFSHORING is not the quite the bogeyman it once was in America. The world.s big emerging markets are more expensive places to do business these days and. Offshore outsourcing is the practice of hiring an external organization to perform some business functions (Outsourcing) in a country other than the one where the. Off The Bus. Election Maps. Trail To The Chief. You might also like. WorldPost. Green. Black Voices. Latino Voices. Gay Voices. Business. Generation Stress. And, given the momentum to use off shoring cost advantages, it.s going to require huge-impact innovation to stem the tide. Despite the offshoring threat, 2005 is shaping up to be a banner year for Mark Wilson, chief executive of Ryla Teleservices Inc.

Upsites - Webseite ist vorubergehend nicht erreichbar. Webseite nicht gefunden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Systemadministrator. Offshoring bezeichnet die geographische Verlagerung unternehmerischer Funktionen, wahrend Outsourcing die organisatorische Verlagerung bezeichnet. As a means to hopefully stave off bankruptcy, the board had decided that offshoring jobs to another country would be the only way to save the company.

Offshoring: Innocence abroad The Economist

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